Seeing the “502 Bad Gateway” error when trying to use Spotify? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This frustrating error essentially means that Spotify’s servers are having issues communicating with your device. Fortunately, there are a few things you can try to get Spotify working again. In this post, I’ll walk you through the common causes of the Spotify 502 error ...

Have you ever noticed that when you shuffle songs on Spotify, it seems to play the same ones over and over again? You’re not alone! Many Spotify users have complained that the shuffle feature doesn’t seem very random and often repeats the same songs or artists. In this blog post, we’ll explore why the Spotify shuffle isn’t as random as ...

Are you wondering if it’s possible to know if someone viewed your Spotify profile or listened to your playlist? Are you confused if Spotify notifies if you view someone’s profile or listen to their playlist? Many Spotify users have this question regarding whether or not they can view their Spotify profile viewers or playlist listeners. In this article, you will ...

My friends and I were listening to our favorite music on Spotify the other day, and suddenly, it started playing some random songs. I then had to take the phone and manually change the track. Spotify playing random songs is now a widespread issue, it seems. After researching the issue, I learned I am not alone. Many people have been ...

We all know Spotify is one of the best, if not the best, music players out there. It has quite a lot of valuable features, and among those, one of the best is to check your stats on Spotify. Spotify wrapped when December rolls in; the stats can be seen, but why wait till then? If you don’t want to ...

Music is something very important to me, I believe a day without music is a day not spent well. I don’t know anyone who hates music whatever the genre they like music is music. When it comes to music Spotify is my favorite app to listen to online music, even while writing this article I’m using Spotify. I never like ...