Discord Canary is the alpha test release version of the original Discord. Before pushing the update with new features and bug fixes to the stable version, these are tested on Discord Canary to see if everything is okay. Only after testing it on the Canary version of Discord, all these features and bug fixes will reach the stable version. Discord ...

Most of the Discord users might be already aware of TTS or Text to Speach feature on the platform. TTS is a bot feature in Discord and as the name suggests, once activated, it will read out everything that you type and send as a message. In short, whatever message you type, it will be read by the bot to ...

Discord will be the go-to choice for many, because of the features it has to offer and how simple it is to get started. If you are someone who is about to use Discord or just getting started with Discord, you might have some doubts like how much data does discord use? how much data does discord use for calls ...

If you are a gamer then chances are you might be already using Discord as your preferred voice chat service. To make things easier and access settings faster, Discord comes with a lot of Discord Commands that you can use. Below, in the article, you will find tons of Discord Commands and their uses to make your gameplay easier. What ...

Discord is the most popular and most used VoIP service by streamers and gamers. Not just streamers and gamers, a lot of regular people do use Discord to easily communicate with each other. Enabling PTT or Discord Push to Talk feature is really simple and could be done in a few clicks. As you might already know, Discord has both ...

Discord has taken the gamers community by storm and lots of people use it to do voice as well as text chatting. The support for Bots makes Discord more special. With the help of tons of bots available for Discord, you could automate tons of things. I am pretty sure that you will find a bot for anything that you ...

One of the best features in Discord is the ability to extend and add different functions with the help of bots. There are tons of bots that you can use with Discord. Here, in this article, you will find the Best Discord Music Bots that are fully free and works like a charm. We had already shared a list of ...

For some reason, if you want to unban someone on Discord, here’s how you can do it. Similarly, if you got banned on a particular Discord server or whole Discord itself. Here’s what you need to do to get your account back. Finally, if everything failed, you can also find methods to create a new account and join Discord without ...

Discord is, ultimately, the best gaming chat service used by Gamers all across the globe. Discord will help you to do voice and as well as text chatting and make the conversation much simple and easy. A lot of people use Voice Changer for Discord to change their voice for some reason. The ability to use custom plugins and addons ...